When eight-year-old Christie tore into her Christmas presents, she was expecting the usual books, dolls and toys.  However, when she unwrapped a book about Sign Language, the course of her life shifted. Over the next few decades, Christie learned to sign, became involved with the Deaf community, and graduated from the Interpreter Training Program at American River College in 2006.  She then earned her RID certifications and passed the EIPA written and performance exams.

Christie is also the mother of two young children, whom she has been signing with since birth.  Her kids have acquired manual communication right alongside their oral speech, and the results have been amazing.  Seeing what a positive experience signing was in her family is what ignited Christie's passion to begin offering classes to families in the Sacramento area.  In choosing to share American Sign Language with other local families, she hopes that they, too, will be able to experience the wonder and joy she gets from signing with her little ones.

For information on Christie's classes, please browse the tabs above.  If you are looking for private tutoring, fast-track lessons for families with deaf/hard of hearing children or other special requests, please contact Christie directly.

Phone or Text: (530) 333 - 3731

Email: coneill@signingtimeacademy.com